Monmouthshire Rocks

Add your activity or business

Our network of hyper-local, user-friendly websites receives over 100,000 visits every month from families looking for inspiration of things to do and businesses in the area.

Built with busy parents in mind, the websites match users with a host of suggestions that fit their search criteria. From classes and days out, to events, parks, restaurants, party providers and lots more - we're the go-to guide for all things local.

Useful, fast and informative, our user engagement levels are super-high, and families return again and again knowing we're packed with great ideas, 24/7.

Our website users and social followers are local families and visitors to the area. If that's your target customer, then create your page and start getting noticed today.

You're in control

Advertisers receive

  • A fully customisable page on your chosen Rocks websites that includes your choice of images, full description, website links, social links, opening hours and map.
  • Feature in the relevant section for your business and target audience.
  • Quarterly updates on website performance sent to all our partners featuring latest traffic stats, rankings, and news.
  • Opportunity to contribute to articles and social channels. Got something you'd like shouting about? Let us help.
My Town Rocks website homepage on mobile

Affordable advertising

Note: Community-run groups, events and activities feature on our websites for free. Select 'community organisation' when creating your page to skip checkout.

Number of pagesPay annuallyPay monthly
e.g. 5£240£24

Class prices are £80 per year for one page, additional pages are £40 each.

*All prices excluding VAT. Sign up to annual or monthly subscriptions, cancel anytime. BACS payments available on request.


Small Events

(under 100 capacity)

Event DurationEvent Cost
1 day£25
2 - 7 days£40
8+ days£100

Large Events & Festivals

For festivals and larger events, get in touch for a bespoke package price to include social media coverage

*All prices excluding VAT. Sign up to annual or monthly subscriptions, cancel anytime. BACS payments available on request.

Places to Eat

Feature in our Places to Eat section

Pay annuallyPay monthly

*All prices excluding VAT. Sign up to annual or monthly subscriptions, cancel anytime. BACS payments available on request.


Feature in our Parties section

Pay annuallyPay monthly

*All prices excluding VAT. Sign up to annual or monthly subscriptions, cancel anytime. BACS payments available on request.

Places to Stay

Feature in our Places to Stay section

Pay annuallyPay monthly

*All prices excluding VAT. Sign up to annual or monthly subscriptions, cancel anytime. BACS payments available on request.

Holiday Clubs
Holiday Club Guide (annual price)Guide + Event Page (annual price)

*All prices excluding VAT. Sign up to annual or monthly subscriptions, cancel anytime. BACS payments available on request.

Attractions and Days Out

Please contact us for a bespoke package tailored to your venue size and advertising needs. We can include bolt-ons for parties, on-site cafes, events, and social media.

Send us an email

*All prices excluding VAT. Sign up to annual or monthly subscriptions, cancel anytime. BACS payments available on request.

Local Shops and Services

Feature in our Local Businesses collection

Pay annuallyPay monthly

*All prices excluding VAT. Sign up to annual or monthly subscriptions, cancel anytime. BACS payments available on request.

For more information, multi-site discounts, bespoke packages, or to chat with us about your specific advertising needs, get in touch.

Send an email

Building a page takes around 15 minutes

Create your page hereand always be in the right place at the right time
