Tadpoles Baby and Toddler groupGroups & ClassesFavouritePop along to Tadpoles, every Monday from 10:00 am until 11:30 am to enjoy all of your usual baby and toddler group fun! Come and play, sing songs, crafts ands more!£2 per familyTerm times onlyCategoriesPlayContact detailsAddress:The Priory, Priory St, Monmouth NP25 3NXYou may also be interested inModel Railway Exhibition Sun, 16 Feb at Bridges Community Centre, MonmouthEventsFavouriteSt. Mary's Church, Usk - Baby and toddler groupWednesday morningsGroups & ClassesFavouriteRaglan baby and toddler groupEvery 1st and 3rd Friday of the monthGroups & ClassesFavouriteWell baby clinic - ChepstowThursday morningsGroups & ClassesFavouriteBrowse all Get directions